2019 Symposium

2019 Symposium Resources

2019 Agenda

Monday, 11 March 2019

Registration and Welcome


  • Registration
  • International Initiatives and Innovations Exposition

    An exposition of international trainings, workshops, and technical means to counter insider threat

Tuesday, 12 March 2019


  • Registration
  • Opening Remarks

    Pieter De Crem, Minister of Home Affairs and Security, Belgium Lisa
    Gordon-Hagerty, Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and NNSA
    Administrator, Department of Energy, United States Muhammad Khaliq, Head of the Nuclear Security of Materials and Facilities Section, IAEA
  • Logistics and Housekeeping
  • Coffee Break
  • Scenario-Based Interactive Discussion: Part 1

    A fictitious, evolving nuclear security event focused on insider threat will set the scene for an interactive discussion where audience responses will determine how events unfold.

    Carl Reynolds (Facilitator)
    John Buchanan, INTERPOL
    Benny Carlé, SCK-CEN, Belgium
    Sabeena Khanna, DOE, US
    Rusty Lorenzen, Boston Children’s Hospital, US
  • Keynote Speaker: Paul Van Tigchelt
    Coordination Unit for Threat Assessment, Belgium


  • Lunch
  • Round Table: Insider Motivations and Intentions

    What is the insider threat? Who is a potential insider? What motivates insiders?

    Tom Sauer, Antwerp University (Facilitator)
    John Buchanan, INTERPOL
    Rona Beattie, Glasgow Caledonian University
    Samuel Farinha, EUROPOL
  • Insider Threat Mitigation Strategies and Challenges

    Experiences, successes, and challenges implementing insider mitigation programs

    Claude Hébert, Nuclear Safety Commission, Canada (Facilitator)
    Mark Resner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, US PDF
    Nele Eykens, ENGIE-Electrabel, Belgium
    Rony Dresselaers, FANC, Belgium
    Tapani Hack, STUK, Finland PDF
    Ilkka Hanski, SUPO, Finland
    Khairul Khairul, BATAN, Indonesia PDF
    Matt Baitinger, Sterigenics, US
  • Coffee Break
  • IAEA INFCIRC/908: A Global Tool for Mitigating Insider Threats

    Showcase of commitments and activities related to the Joint Statement on Mitigating Insider Threats (INFCIRC/908)

    Art Atkins, DOE/NNSA, US (Facilitator)
    Noor Fitriah Bakri, Atomic Energy Licensing Board, Malaysia
    Bouchra Boustani, AMSSNUR, Morocco PDF
    Tomás Bieda, Subsecretariat of Energy, Argentina PDF
    Ethel Ofoegbu, Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Nigeria
  • International Initiatives and Innovations Exposition
    An exposition of international trainings, workshops, and technical means to counter insider threats
  • Implementing New Tools and Tech to Mitigate Insider Threats (Presentations)
  • Evaluating States’ Implementation of NMAC for Nuclear Security
  • Mitigating Radioactive Source Threats in Hospitals and Medical Centers
  • Evening activities on 12 March are self-directed.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019


  • Recap of Tuesday
  • Scenario-Based Discussion Part 2

    The unfolding nuclear security event concludes, followed by a panel discussion of insider threat mitigation measures that, if employed, could have prevented or mitigated the events illustrated by the scenario.

    Carl Reynolds (Facilitator)
    John Buchanan, INTERPOL
    Benny Carlé, SCK-CEN, Belgium
    Sabeena Khanna, DOE, US
    Rusty Lorenzen, Boston Children’s Hospital, US
  • Coffee Break
  • Key Note Speaker: Matthew Bunn

    Harvard University, US PDF


  • Lunch
  • Small-Group Interactive Sessions

    Interactive sessions for smaller groups will provide participants with the opportunity to explore and share experiences on the following topics

    1. National Policy and Regulatory frameworks
    2. Nuclear security culture
    3. Cybersecurity
    4. Trustworthiness Programs: Aftercare
    5. Technical Measures to Mitigate Insider Threats
  • Interactive Session 1
  • Session Change
  • Interactive Session 2
  • Coffee Break
  • Interactive Session 3
  • Session Change
  • Interactive Session 4
  • Reception

Thursday: 14 March 2019


  • Summary of Interactive Scenario Discussion and Recap of Parallel Interactive Sessions
  • Coffee Break
  • Panel Discussion: Over-the-Horizon, Future considerations for insider threat mitigation

    Discussion of emerging insider threats as well as emerging strategies and measures to mitigate the insider threat

    Scott Sagan, Stanford University, US (Facilitator)
    Wayne Belk, National Insider Threat Task Force, US PDF
    Rob Hoffman, Idaho National Laboratory, US PDF
    Werner Pepermans, SAS Institute, Belgium PDF
    Curtis West, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US PDF
  • Panel Discussion: International Community Engagement

    Available INFCIRC/908 and insider threat mitigation assistance and activities through the international nuclear and radiological security community

    Ethel Ofoegbu, Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Nigeria (Facilitator)
    Robert Larsen, Nuclear Security of Materials and Facilities Section, IAEA
    Tomás Bieda, Subsecretariat of Energy, Argentina
    Bouchra Bastani, AMSSNUR, Morocco
    Naoko Noro, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan


  • Lunch
  • Symposium Themes

    Anonymous polling will be used to garner from the participant key themes and issues that emerged from the Symposium PDF

  • Coffee Break
  • Action Plan and Roadmap to the IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICONS) 2020

    Discuss activities to advance insider threat mitigation within the international nuclear and radiological security communities

    Connie McAninch, DOE/NNSA, US
    Tony Snoeck, FANC, Belgium PDF
  • Closing Remarks & Adjourn


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