
This webinar series revisits topics from the 2nd International Symposium on Insider Threat Mitigation to provide resources to help practitioners stay ahead of the game. Download webinar info

Featured Webinar

Kim Covent Presents: Cross-Industry Perspective on Mitigating Insider Threats

Wednesday, 26 February 2024

07:00 EST (12:00 GMT)


Panelist at the International Symposium on Insider Threat Mitigation
Kim Covent


Police Advisor Kim Covent has over 14 years of experience in local law enforcement. She co-created the cross-disciplinary program 'Behind Enemy Minds' on non-verbal communication, situational crime prevention, and customer safety. She trains and advises frontline colleagues in spotting and understanding deviant behavior and preparations for a criminal attack. She is part of a team of experts for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for their "National & International Training Courses on Preventive and Protective Measures against Insider Threats to Nuclear Material. Furthermore, she is a founding member of GRACE, the Ghent Research institute for Art & cultural heritage Crime and law Enforcement.

Previous Webinars

Dr Bill Claycomb Presents: Critical Pathway to Insider Risk

Wednesday, 11 December 2024


The Critical Pathway to Insider Risk is an empirically based behavior model created by Dr. Eric Shaw and the CERT Insider Threat Group. The model is used by numerous insider threat programs to help identify potential risk indicators of malicious insider behavior. This webinar will cover initial development of the model, studies conducted to validate it, and how insider threat programs use the model operationally.

Dr Bill Claycomb

Dr Bill Claycomb is a Principal Cyber Advisor for the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute’s National Initiative for the Advancement of Cybersecurity and serves as the Principal Researcher for the CERT Division’s National Insider Threat Center. He leads multidisciplinary projects related to cyber security and human behavior, primarily investigating novel techniques for detection, prevention, and mitigation of insider threats for government and industry. Prior to joining the SEI, he pioneered early efforts for preventing insider attacks on enterprise information systems at Sandia National Laboratories. Bill has published numerous peer-reviewed conference and journal papers, served as Steering Committee Chair for the IEEE Workshop on Research for Insider Threats (WRIT), served as Associate Editor for a special issue on Insider Threats for the ACM Journal on Digital Threats – Research & Practice, and is an Associate Editor for the inaugural issue of Counter Insider Threats: Research and Practice.

Dr Kim Covent
Sponsored by: National Nuclear Security Administration Federal Agency for Nuclear Control